National Law

  1. Article II, Sec. 14 of the 1987 Constitution, which provides that " The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental  equality before the law of women and men".
  2. Women in Development and Nation Building Act (RA 7192).
  3. Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act (RA 9262).
  4. Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act (RA 9208).
  5. Solo Parent's Welfare Act (RA8972).
  6. Special Protection of Children against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act (RA 7610).
  7. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA7877).
  8. Anti-Rape Law (RA 8353).
  9. Rape Victim Assistance and Protection Act (RA 8505).
  10. An act providing assistance to women engaging micro and cottage business enterprise and other purposes (RA 7882).


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