Functions and Objectives

CSU endeavors  to contribute to the achievement of the regional and national development goals and shall strive to achieve a maximum level of performance in terms of “relevance and responsiveness, excellence and quality, equity and access, efficiency and effectiveness, discipline, teamwork, impact and learning to learn” in the four major areas of concern: Instruction, Research,  Extension, and Production.


CSU actively engages in the exploration, transmission, and advancement of knowledge and cultural heritage of mankind and prepares men and women for entrepreneurial and professional  services.

In line with the regional and national development goals, its Charter, its Vision, and Mission, CSU aims to:

  • develop an institution of  higher  learning that  values respect for learning and truth  for  human dignity and for  freedom;  abhor ignorance and prejudice and develop in its members  these  values, together with a sense of  vocation and social responsibility;

  • generate new knowledge through research and apply the results  to improve the quality of  human life and  to respond effectively to changing societal needs and conditions;

  • develop the potentials of  the students in leadership, research, production, and other socio-economic concerns; and equip them with skills  for  meeting the requirements for local, regional, and national development;

  • develop professionals who will serve as conveyors of innovations to spark scientific and technological advancements in the Caraga Region and the nation;

  • produce informed and sensitive men and women who will not only leave their identity to society  but find  their lives with personal fulfillment;

  • produce alumni  who will carry the values into leadership roles in the  community,  the region,  the nation, and the world; and

  • continue  producing  potential leaders.



  1. produce knowledgeable, skilled, and globally competitive  Engineers and Computer Technologists, Agricultural Technicians and Entrepreneurs who are  able to produce outputs  of  the highest quality and at least cost;

  2. provide relevant Teacher Education Curricula focused on Science, Mathematics, and Home Management Technology; produce teachers for Science and Technology in the  Elementary and Secondary schools and  who are also responsible community leaders;

  3. equip and empower individuals with the knowledge and skills in the Sciences, Arts,  as well as with the world-class ideals, ideologies, and values;

  4. establish  regional educational centers which  provide  access to quality education and training opportunities to those in the  service area, especially the poor but deserving students; and

  5. be the nucleus for professional growth, research and technology- generation in the region by offering various fields of specialization on priority areas such as  Engineering and Computer Technology, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences, Agriculture, Education and the Arts.


Promote scholarly research, discovery, and /or inventiveness by strengthening research capabilities  and enhance the attainment of high quality  and relevant researches.


Collect, package, and disseminate technologies and/or accelerate and expand the commercialization of  the technologies in Agriculture and natural resources for the improvement of the end-user’s quality of life.


Be a show window and laboratory for income generation/entrepreneurship, research, commercial development, extension, and instruction.


09177078764 loc. 231


09177078713 loc. 232


09177078769 loc. 252

Office of the President

09177078769 | 09177078713 | 09177078764 | loc. 201

Public Information and Communication Office

09177078764 | local 206

Course Particulars

College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences

College of Agricultural and Agri-Industries

College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

College of Computing and Information Sciences

College of Education

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  • Philippine Standard Time
    Saturday, March 29, 2025 10:06:32 AM
    source: PAGASA

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