CSU President Anthony M. Penaso and other select State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) Presidents attended a Seminar and PASUC Summit meeting on August 9-10, 2017 held at the Shangri-La’sMactan Resort and Spa in Cebu City.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Science Technology, Research and Innovation for Development (STRIDE) aims to create a dynamic network with the academe industry to improve the growth and development in the Philippines. Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) President Ricardo E. Rotoras sits as a STRIDE Advisory Board member for the academe sector. STRIDE-PASUC project is established for continuous collaboration for innovative approaches; for this end PASUC invited fifteen (15) select SUCs to be the project think tanks.
USAID-STRIDE generally aims to improve collaborative science, technology, and innovative research and development activities in the Philippines for broad-based sustainable and inclusive economic growth. To help achieve its goal, STRIDE in collaboration with the PASUC ran a workshop that addressed various themes for capacity-development from industry-academe collaboration and retention, promotion and tenure policies. STRIDE covered all the accommodation and meals of the participating academic executives. piaea
College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences
College of Agricultural and Agri-Industries
College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
College of Computing and Information Sciences
College of Education