Office of the President

The President is the Chief Executive of the University and renders full-time service.  The President is appointed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of a duly constituted search committee.  

The President exercises the following powers and functions :

  1. General supervision over all businesses and financial operations of  the University.
  2. All officers, members of  the teaching staff, and employees shall be responsible to, and under the direction of  the President
  3. The President shall carry out the general policies laid down by the Board of Regents, and shall have power to act within the lines of said general policies.  He alone shall undertake to direct or to assign the details of executive actions.
  4. The President shall have the power to determine and propose the agenda of all meetings of  the Board of  Regents and of  the State University Councils; provided, however, that any member of  the Board shall be entitled to have any matter included in the agenda.
  5. Presides at the commencement and other public exercises of the University, and confer such degrees and honors as are granted by the Board of Regents.  All diplomas and certificates  shall be signed by him, by the Vice-President for  Academic Affairs, and by the Chairman of  Board of Regents.
  6. Official center of communication between the faculty, employees and students of  the State University on the one hand and the Board of Regents or Board of  Visitors  on the other hand.
  7. Recommends to the Board of Regents suitable  persons upon consultation with the Vice-President  for Academic Affairs and College Deans and Heads of Non-Academic Units, as the case may be, to fill  vacancies and new positions, and to make such other arrangements as to meet emergencies accruing between the meetings of the Board so  that the work of the State University will not be  hampered.
  8. Exercises these specific powers.
    1. Accepts resignation of faculty member/s and employee/s which he  shall  report to the Board of Regents in its meeting immediately following the resignation ;
    2. General  supervision and control over extracurricular activities of students and authority to issue adequate rules for the organization and operation of student organizations;
    3. Authority to renew appointments for not more than one year if the budget permits and the services are necessary;
    4. Authority to transfer faculty and employees from one department, unit  of the State University to another with the written consent of  the faculty member or employee concerned, provided that:
      1. there is no demotion in rank and salary;
      2. it is with the consent of  the head of  the unit; and
      3. it is for the interest of  the service.
    5. Authority to grant or deny permission for members of  the faculty to accept training grants, fellowships, scholarships, assistantship, or invitations to conferences sponsored by other agencies or organizations.
  9. He shall have the  authority to change the leave status of  the faculty from that of  teacher’s leave to that of cumulative leave or vise versa on the  recommendation of  the Vice-President for  Academic Affairs and respective College Deans concerned.
  10. He shall hold officers, teachers, and employees responsible to the full discharge of their duties and, if in his judgment the necessity arises, he shall, after consultation with the  Vice-President for Academic Affairs, College Deans and Administrative Officer, in proper cases, initiate the necessary proceedings for the separation from the service of any of  them for cause.  He/she shall report to  the Board of  Regents  the case of the supposed erring employee or faculty member for the Board to appoint a committee to hear the case.
  11. He shall prepare an annual report to  the Board of  Regents on  the work of  the past year and the needs for the current year.  He shall also present to the Board the annual budget of  the State  College with  the estimates of incomes and expenditures.
  12. He shall execute and sign in behalf of  the University,  all contracts, deeds and other instruments necessary for the proper conduct of  the business of  the University, unless otherwise therein provided.
  13. He shall have general responsibility for  the enforcement of  discipline   and for the maintenance of  satisfactory academic standards in all its units.
  14. He shall have the right  to modify  or disapprove any  action or resolution of any college,  faculty or administrative body, if in his judgment the larger interest of  the University so requires.  Should he exercise such power, the President shall communicate his decision in writing to the  body immediately affected, stating the reasons for his action, and thereafter shall accordingly inform the Board of Regents, which may take any action it may deem appropriate in connection therewith.
  15. He shall have the power to authorize expenses from miscellaneous funds in the budget for maintenance, repairs, remodeling or modification of buildings and grounds without further action by the Board of Regents, provided, that the account does not exceed P50,000.00
  16. The President may invite, from time to time, scholars of eminence and other persons who  have achieved distinction in some learned professions or careers, to deliver a lecture or a series thereof; and for this purpose, he may authorize honoraria for such services, to be taken from the miscellaneous fund and at rates prescribed by existing regulations.
  17. He shall have the power to purchase equipment for the University not exceeding P50,000.00 without securing  approval by the  Board of  Regents subject to the existing laws, rules and regulations on procurement and auditing regulations. His action should be reported to the Board in its next meeting or by referendum.
  18. He shall exercise such  other powers as are elsewhere provided in this Code, or by  the Charter of the University, or as may be specially authorized by the Board of  Regents, such as are usually pertaining to the Office of a President of State University. He may delegate in writing any of this specific functions to any office in the State University.

Designation  for and In the Absence of  the President. In case of a  brief absence  of the  President a ranking officer, preferably  the Vice President for Academic Affairs,  may be designated as Officer-In-Charge for the Office of  the  President to carry out  his  functions in the University.

The Offices Under the President:

  1. Line Offices  directly under the Office of the President (BOT Res. No. 63-14, s. 2006) :
    1. Office  of  the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Research and Extension
    2. Center for the Information and Communications Technology
    3. Office of Finance  and Management Services  
    4. Office of the Administrative Services.
  2. The Staff Offices of the President includes the State University and  Board Secretary, the Executive Assistants and Planning and Development  (BOT Res. No. 63-14, s. 2006).


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Office of the President

09177078769 | 09177078713 | 09177078764 | loc. 201

Public Information and Communication Office

09177078764 | local 206

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