Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The GFPS Chairperson or Head of Agency shall :

  1. Issue policies or other directives that support GAD mainstreaming in the policies, plans, programs, projects and activities, budget, systems and procedures of the agency including the creation, strengthening, modification or reconstitution of the GFPS; and

  2.  Approve the GAD Plan, Program and Budget of the agency as duly endorsed by the Executive Committee, 


  1. The roles and responsibilities of the Executive committee shall:

    1. Provide direction and give policy advice to the Agency Head to support and strengthen the GFPS and agency’s GAD mainstreaming activities;

    2. Direct the identification of GAD strategies, programs, activities and projects of  the agency in response to the gender issues faced by its clients and employees;

    3. Ensure the timely submission of the agency GAD Plan and Budget,  Accomplishment Report and other GAD-related reports to the PCW and to DBM;

    4. Ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the agency GAD programs, activities and projects and the judicious utilization of the GAD Budget;

    5. Build and strengthen the partnership of the agency with PCW, GAD experts, advocates, women’s groups and other stakeholders in pursuit of gender mainstreaming;

    6. Recommend approval of agency GAD Plans and Budgets and GAD ARs; and

    7. Recommend awards or recognition to outstanding institutional GAD programs, activities and projects and /or GAD FP members.


  1. The roles and responsibilities of the TWG shall:

  1. Facilitate the implementation of the gender mainstreaming efforts of the agency through the GAD planning and budgeting process;

  2. Formulate agency GAD Plans, Programs and Budget in response to the gender gaps and issues faced by their clients and constituencies, women and men employees, following the conduct of a gender audit, gender analysis, and/or review of sex disaggregated data;

  3.  Assist in the capacity development of and provide technical assistance to the agency, and as needed, to officers in the other offices or units. In this regard, the TWG shall work with the human resource development office on the development and implementation of an appropriate capacity development program on gender equality and women’s empowerment for its employees, and as requested or deemed necessary, for other offices under the Department or Agency, as the case may be;

  4. Coordinate with the various units of the agency including its regional and attached agencies and ensure their meaningful participation in GAD strategic and annual planning exercises. The TWG of the GFPS of the central agency shall coordinate the GFPS of its attached agencies, bureaus; 

  5. and regional offices especially on the preparation, consolidation and submission of GAD Plans and Budgets;

  6. Lead the conduct of advocacy activities and the development of IEC materials to ensure critical support of agency officials, staff and relevant stakeholders to the activities of the GAD Focal Point System and GAD mainstreaming activities;

  7. Monitor the implementation of GAD-related programs, activities and projects in their respective offices and suggest corrective measures to improve implementation of GAD PAPs and GFPS activities; 

  8. Prepare and consolidate agency GAD accomplishment reports; and                        

  9. Provide regular updates and recommendations to the head of agency or Executive Committee on the activities of the GFPS and the progress of University GAD mainstreaming activities based on the feedback and reports of the various units.


  1. The roles and responsibilities of the GAD Committee shall be as follows:

  1. Represent the department/college/university in any GAD related activities  to include but not limited to the formulation of college/unit GAD Plan and budget and submission of quarterly and annual accomplishment report;

  2. Assist the GAD TWG in the planning and implementation of approved University GAD Plan and Budget;

  3. Monitor the implementation of the GAD-related programs and activities in the unit represented and suggest corrective measures to improve the implementation;

  4. Prepare and submit department/college/unit annual GAD accomplishment report for consolidation of the GAD Focal point;

  5. Assist the TWG in the conduct of gender advocacy activities and the development of modules and IEC materials and ensure full support to the University GFPS in GAD mainstreaming activities;

  6. Lead in the formulation of the annual GAD Plan and budget of the unit/department/college represented for consolidation of the GAD Focal point;

  7. Perform other related functions as authorized by higher authorities.


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