Important Procedures and Mechanisms

  1. GAD Plan. The GAD Focal Point System of the university shall provide the annual GAD plan to ensure GAD mainstreaming and sustainability of initiatives based on the following key areas (Philippine Commission on Women – Gender Mainstreaming and Evaluation Framework, 2003):
    • Policy. Policy issuances related to GAD mainstreaming in the University, integration of GAD in the University policies and continuous enhancement of GAD policies to achieve a model University GAD policy in the future.
    • People. Establishment of GAD Focal Point System; GAD Champions/Advocates; GAD-related initiatives and capacity development, sponsorship and related programs of the University with GFPS/GAD Champions/Advocates as program implementers and GAD experts.
    • Enabling Mechanism. Setting-up essential and functional GAD mechanisms; Integration of GAD in the University structures and mechanisms to attain advanced GAD structures and systems thereby achieve a model GAD structures and systems in the University.
    • Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs). Activities conducted to facilitate and commit GAD mainstreaming; for GAD application, commitment and institutionalization thereby attaining a model programs.

  2. GAD Plan and Budget. The GAD Focal Point System of the university shall provide the annual GAD plan and Budget to be submitted to the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) for review and revision of the University when needed, and endorsement to the Department of Budget Management (DBM)  to ensure GAD mainstreaming and sustainability of initiatives. The GAD Budget annually is 5% of the regular agency fund of the University.

  3. Monitoring and Evaluation of GAD Plan. Monitoring and evaluation of the University GAD plan shall be based on the overall level of gender mainstreaming that includes:
    • Foundation formation 
    • Installation of strategic mechanism
    • GAD application
    • Commitment enhancement and institutionalization
    • Replication and Innovation

  4. GAD Accomplishment Report. The GAD Focal Point System of the University shall annually submit GAD Accomplishment Report to the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) to ensure GAD mainstreaming and sustainability of initiatives.

  5. Observance of Gender Instrumentalities. The university is in full observance of international, national and local gender instrumentalities. Any violation shall be referred to proper authorities as stated by the law.


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