CSU Environmental Science faculty Prof. Chime Mora-Garcia was one of the select participants from Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa to attenda three- week international training on Wetland, Integrated Water Resources Management for Food Security and Climate Change Resilience in Wageningen, Netherlands, June 04-22, 2018. It was an all-expense paid fellowship sponsored by the Dutch government.
The training aims to develop water resource managers with good facilitation skills involving different sectors and stakeholders, dealing with conflict and negotiation skills, advocacy and lobbying skills to advocate the role of wetlands in integrated water resource management. According to Prof. Garcia, the training was interactive with a high degree of personal contributions by the participants. Aside from the lectures, the course included fieldwork, technical and social excursions. Lectures, workshops and field visits were provided for knowledge and skills needed in advocating and lobbying the value of wetlands.
The training gave the participants new perspectives and enhanced their knowledge on wetlands and Ramsar, the essence of Integrated Water Resources Management, the link between wetlands and food security, wetlands in a changing climate, institutions & water governance. Group dynamics and the role of humanity, power and conflict were also discussed.
Excursion to ZaanseSchaans, where the famous old wind mills for pumping out water is located, and Amsterdam to acquaint the participants on how the Dutch people had been managing their water since 11th century. Field work to places where different stakeholders were interviewed for assimilation was given to the participants as well.
Prof. Garcia noted that she gained a lot of understanding and innovative ideas from the experience and exposure as well as from the other participants who shared their respective views from the countries where they came from. CMG/piaea
College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences
College of Agricultural and Agri-Industries
College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
College of Computing and Information Sciences
College of Education