The CSU-Biology and Mathematics Department of the College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (CMNS)co-organized a collaboration meeting with colleagues from the Silpakorn University Thailand at the CMNS Kinaadman Hall last August 22, 2022.
The event was made possible by the support of the Dean of CMNS, Dear Esamel Paluga, and the VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Rolando Paluga. The meeting was also attended by the VP for Research, Innovation, and Extension, Dr. Rowena P. Varela, Director for Extension, Dr. Romell Seronay, and colleagues from the Department of Sociology, Department of Environmental Science, and College of Agriculture. It was also attended by the Université de Picardie Jules Verne representative Dr. Youcef Mammeri.
The CSU’s Department of Biology facilitated the program flow. CMNS Dean, Dr. Esamel Paluga presented the profile of the CMNS, followed by other profile presentations from the Biology department, CRÈME, and Caraga Care. The Office of Internationalization and Global Engagement (OIGE) Director, Dr. Jayrold Arcede provided the rationale of the activity as a venue for discussions and future research partnerships from the various institutions involved.
Invited colleagues from the Biology Department of Silpakorn University were Dr. Duangduen Krailas (Biologist-Parasitologist), Dr. Saranpat Suwannarat (Ecologist), and Dr. Wivitchuta Dehruksa (Parasitologist) and Dr. Yousef Mammeri (Mathematical Modeller) from the Université de Picardie Jules Verne who shared potential research interests to collaborate with.
Prospects of research for Lake Mainit were mentioned by Dr. Joyce Jumawan considering the ecosystem’s unique lake scape. Dr. Arcede eventually introduced an open call for proposals from DOST where tripartite collaborations are possible. It was a successful meeting that will hopefully bring about more international partnerships for Caraga State University. JCJ/pico
College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences
College of Agricultural and Agri-Industries
College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
College of Computing and Information Sciences
College of Education