Two lovely CSU alumnae who are also CSU faculty members of the College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences’ (CMNS) Mathematics Department, Miss Karen B. Burdeos and Miss Sheila E. Permanes bagged the first PhilFrance DOST Fellowship Program scholarship.
These young faculty members are now in Amiens France, studying at the Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (University of Picardy Jules Verne). Miss Karen Burdeos and Miss Sheila Permanes are both doctoral students in Applied Mathematics and in Mathematics respectively. The PhiFrance DOST Fellowship Program is for three years.
The two scholars are mentored and supervised by renowned Professor Youcef Mammeri. Also in the Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (University of Picardy Jules Verne) is another CSU Mathematics faculty member Ms. Cheryl Q. Mentuda, taking a PhD in Mathematics last 2019.
The program aims to foster the mobility to France of Filipino professionals working in academic, research, or government institutions; selected jointly on the basis of academic excellence to pursue a Master’s or Doctorate degree in French public higher education institutions under the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research of the French Republic.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) provides a monthly living allowance, one round trip ticket, (economy fare) from residence to place of study (one-time only in the whole duration of the study), relocation allowance and pre-travel expenses.
The French Embassy gives the candidates the status of boursier du gouvernement français (French government scholar) which entitles them to the following benefits: Exemption from public university registration fees (exonération des frais d’inscription à l’université). Amounts are not convertible to cash and it will be settled directly with the French higher education institution. A health care package composed of mandatory sécurité sociale (national social security coverage) and a mutuelle (supplementary insurance policy), priority access to public student housing facilities (logement étudiant CROUS), and exemption from French long-stay visa application fees.
A scholar, immediately upon completion of her degree program, shall return to the Philippines to render service physically on a full-time basis in her sending institution, preferably along her field of specialization, for a period equivalent to twice the length of time that she enjoyed the PhD scholarship. ARO-PICO
College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences
College of Agricultural and Agri-Industries
College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
College of Computing and Information Sciences
College of Education