News Archive

18 April 2024
CSU officially welcomes 181 newly appointed, promoted personnel

181 newly hired, promoted, and reclassified personnel from both CSU campuses officially took their oath of office before the University President, Dr. Rolyn C. Daguil, at the Activity Loft of HERO Learning Commons.

This batch transpired from the remaining positions in the implementation of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing...

17 April 2024
CSU, IPOPHL strengthen partnership to promote Intellectual Property in Caraga

CSU’s Technology Transfer and Licensing Office (TTLO) participated in a series of discussions with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) aimed to improve the intellectual property landscape in the Caraga Region on April 16, 2024.

The activity involved discussion to map the Regional Development Plan of the office and sessions on Industrial Design Protection and Patent Cooperation Treaty with IPOPHL personnel Engr. Chamlette Garcia and Mr....

15 April 2024
CSU partner SUCs converge to push S&T development, commercialization in Caraga

Caraga State University and partners from Northeastern Mindanao State University (NEMSU) and Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology (ASSCAT), comprising the Regional Agri-Aqua Innovation System Enhancement (RAISE) Program, convened for annual planning and workshops aligned to contribute in the development and commercialization of agriculture and aquaculture innovations in the region, April 10-12.

3 April 2024
University holds re-echo seminar-workshop on records and archives management.

In line with its commitment to ensuring effective records and archives management, the University recently conducted a re-echo seminar-workshop following the attendance of two records officers, Mr. Richard P. Ruiz and Mr. John Peter M. Mongaya, at the Seminar-Workshop on Basic Records and Archives Management organized by the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP).

The re-echo...

25 March 2024

March 25, 2024, Butuan City – Caraga State University, led by University President Dr. Rolyn C. Daguil, participated and served as the regional ceremonial venue for the CY 2024 First Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) as endorsed by the Office of the Regional Director of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Caraga. The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO) of CSU, headed by DRRM Director Mr. Vincent N. Cotoron, coordinated...

23 March 2024
CSU unveils School of Medicine academic building design

Caraga State University formally uncovered the academic building perspective of its School of Medicine (SoM) through a ceremonial unveiling at the New Administration Building on March 22, 2024.

CHED Chairperson J. Prospero E. De Vera III, House Speaker Martin Romualdez, First District Representative Joboy Aquino, CSU officials led by President Dr. Rolyn C Daguil, and the Faculty of...

20 March 2024
CSU obtains its 4th ITSO Platinum Award

Caraga State University (CSU) obtained its fourth consecutive Platinum Award from the Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSO) during the ITSO Presidents’ Summit in Makati City on March 19, 2024.

The Platinum Award is the highest honor given to the most productive ITSOs in the country as a recognition of their exceptional contributions to intellectual property rights and technology advancement.

CSU joins three Caraga-pride recipient SUCs of the same...

18 March 2024

Caraga State University, through the Department of Biology, collaborates with Hokkaido University (Japan) for a Lecture-Workshop on Marine Invertebrates Systematics and Taxonomy Methods on March 15, 2024. The primary objective of this activity was to introduce various approaches to the taxonomic studies of Phylum Nemertea, Order Polycladida, and Order Isopoda, with faculty and PhD students from Hokkaido University serving as resource persons. Several participants from different SUCs, NGAs,...

11 March 2024

Executives, Admission Board Members, and selected faculty from the Bohol Island State University (BISU) visited CSU on March 11, 2024, to learn best practices for admission policy and processes and CSU’s accomplishments throughout the years. The benchmarking activity is included as the first agenda in their series of admission pilot tests in the Caraga Region.

President Daguil and the Vice Presidents welcomed the delegates through a courtesy call.

Dr. Zina Sayson, VP for...


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